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Icon Evolve 2-4Eskele the Blessed +: “Though their regeneration abilities are not as strong as they were in ages past, Saurians are thought to be able to regenerate entire missing limbs, given enough time.”


The minimum and maximum stats at level 1, and the maximum stats at level 100, 150, and 200. The stats differ by evolution process and the app version. The following stats may be outdated. See the Evolution Guide for more information.

Icon Evolve 1-4Eskele the Blessed

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 287 356 281 347 287 308 1,866
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 2-4Eskele the Blessed +

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 0
1(max) 0
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 3-4Eskele the Blessed ++

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 0
1(max) 0
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 4-4Eskele the Blessed +++

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 0
1(max) 0
100 0
150 0
200 0


Icon LightMinor Heal

Ability Minor HealMana: 3
Heal a single target for moderate HP.

Icon LightMass Heal

Ability Mass HealMana: 8
Heal all members of the party.

Icon LightMana Burst

Ability Mana BurstMana: 0 | Activation: Passive (automatic)
Generate a lot of mana in battle.


Icon Evolve 1-4Eskele the Blessed


